Assemblée des Electeurs – Paroisse de St Ouën
PURSUANT TO an Act of the Royal Court of Jersey dated the 13th day of October 2023, an election has been ordered for the post of Centenier for the Parish of St. Ouen.
IN CONFORMITY also with the provisions of the “Public Elections” (Jersey) Law, 2002, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an Assembly of Electors of the Parish of St. Ouen will be held at St. Ouen’s Parish Hall on Wednesday 8 November 2023 at 7.00 p.m. to proceed with the election of a Centenier in conformity with the aforesaid Act of the Royal Court.
All electors are welcome to attend.
A nomination form for each candidate for election must be produced to the meeting and must be completed by a proposer and 9 seconders who are electors in the parish. For more information see Elections Overview | Parish of St Ouen